Recording procedures - when to start
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Best Practices for Body-Worn Camera Recording Procedures
Importance of Recording Procedures
Recording procedures are essential for the effective use of body-worn cameras (BWCs). These procedures guide personnel on the proper use of BWCs to ensure recordings are conducted consistently, lawfully, and ethically.
Adhering to these procedures helps to:
- Protect the integrity of the footage.
- Ensure compliance with legal requirements.
- Maintain public trust in law enforcement practices.
When to Activate BWCs
BWCs should be activated at the beginning of any interaction with the public that may result in enforcement action, use of force, or where recording provides a clear benefit. Examples include:
- Traffic stops.
- Searches of persons, vehicles, or premises.
- Arrests and detentions.
- Domestic violence incidents.
- Public order incidents.
Additionally, BWCs should be activated when responding to emergency calls, particularly those involving violence, threats, or rapidly evolving situations.
Discretion in Unexpected or Escalating Situations
In cases where an incident unfolds unexpectedly, officers should use their discretion to activate their BWCs as soon as it is safe and practical. BWCs may also be activated in:
- Seemingly non-confrontational scenarios that have the potential to escalate, such as verbal disputes.
- Interactions with agitated or hostile individuals.
This ensures that incidents are appropriately documented, even in dynamic and unpredictable situations.
Notifying Individuals of Recording
Officers should inform individuals that they are being recorded whenever possible. This can be done by:
- Providing a verbal notification, such as: "This encounter is being recorded for your safety and mine."
- Ensuring any visible indicators on the camera, such as flashing lights, are activated.
Transparent notification fosters trust and demonstrates respect for individuals’ rights.
Exceptions to Notification
There are certain situations where notifying individuals may not be practical or could compromise officer safety. Examples include:
- Rapidly evolving incidents.
- Scenarios where notification could escalate a volatile situation.
In such cases, officers should proceed with recording but document the reasons for not providing notification. This ensures accountability while prioritising safety.