Practical BWC Use

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Effective Usage of Body-Worn Cameras: Best Practices

Pre-Shift Preparation

Before starting our shift, we ensure all necessary equipment is ready, including:

  • Body-worn cameras
  • Radios
  • Body armour

We also conduct pre-checks to confirm everything is operational.

Body-Worn Camera: The Guardian G1

Using the Guardian G1, we follow these steps:

  • Check the operational status by pressing the start button.
  • Listen for audio confirmation that the device is recording.
  • Look for the red light to verify it is active.
  • Shut it down to confirm proper functionality before deployment.

During an Incident

When an incident occurs, we activate the camera by pressing the appropriate button. The device provides:

  • A verbal indication that recording has started.
  • A flashing red light on top to confirm recording.

In low-light conditions, such as nightclubs, the infrared light on the front activates automatically. This feature provides three red lights to indicate the camera is recording, aiding visibility and direction during dark situations.

Mounting and Durability

The body-worn camera is securely mounted using Click Fast technology:

  • It pushes in, turns, and locks into place to prevent detachment during incidents.
  • Various vest types accommodate different mounting styles, including central positioning or a tactical vest setup at shoulder level.

Purpose and Benefits of Body-Worn Cameras

Body-worn cameras serve multiple purposes, including:

  • Deterring crime and antisocial behaviour.
  • Gathering evidence for investigations and legal proceedings.
  • Preventing malicious complaints by providing clear footage of events.