Additional Legislative Framework

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Guidelines and Best Practices for Body-Worn Camera Usage


In addition to the legal framework governing body-worn cameras (BWCs), several guidelines and best practices have been developed to ensure organisations comply with legal requirements while maximising the effectiveness of BWCs in their operations.

Operational Guidance from the College of Policing

The College of Policing provides comprehensive operational guidance for the use of BWCs by police forces. Key areas covered include:

  • When to start and stop recording: Ensuring transparency and accountability during interactions.
  • Handling sensitive footage: Protecting privacy and ensuring compliance with data protection laws.
  • Interaction with the public: Maintaining trust and professionalism while using BWCs.

ICO Guidance on Data Protection Compliance

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) offers detailed advice on data protection compliance for organisations using BWCs. Key recommendations include:

  • Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs): Templates and tools to assess the potential impact of BWCs on privacy.
  • Responding to Subject Access Requests (SARs): Ensuring individuals can access their personal data captured by BWCs.
  • Transparency and accountability: Clear communication with the public about how BWC data is collected and used.

Best Practices for BWC Data Management

To ensure effective and lawful use of BWCs, organisations are encouraged to adopt the following best practices:

  • Retention schedules: Establish precise timelines for how long BWC footage is stored, ensuring data is not kept longer than necessary.
  • Secure disposal: Implement robust procedures to securely delete footage when it is no longer needed.
  • Staff training: Provide comprehensive training on the ethical and legal use of BWCs.


By following operational guidelines from the College of Policing and data protection advice from the ICO, organisations can ensure their use of BWCs is both effective and compliant with legal requirements. Adopting best practices for data retention and management further strengthens public trust and enhances operational efficiency.